Body Contouring

Offered at our convenient location in Baltimore, Maryland

Diet and exercise frequently do very little to address specific areas of the body where stubborn fat, loose skin, or uneven body contours linger. If you are struggling with one or several of these common, frustrating issues, Dr. Wells is happy to help with a range of safe, artful body contouring procedures.

If you have lost weight, given birth, or have not seen the results you want with diet and exercise, you are an excellent candidate to achieve your dream physique with a body contouring procedure at Valley Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Wells has over fifteen years of experience helping her patients meet their body contouring goals. Her extensive training, technical hand and keen aesthetic eye help her customize each surgery to her patient’s unique goals. Her careful, targeted techniques produce flattering results with minimal downtime or inconvenience for the patient.

Body contouring procedures can target a specific area of the body or treat multiple areas for comprehensive, full-body improvement. Contact Dr. Alyson Wells to learn more about the long-term benefits of body contouring surgery today!

About Body Contouring

Patients frequently pursue body contouring procedures following childbirth or weight loss.

Body Contouring is an area of plastic surgery that reduces excess fat and skin, to improve the shape of part or all of the body. Body contouring procedures range from minimally invasive to surgical procedures. The details of your body contouring treatment plan will depend on the look you want to achieve, the needs of your case, and Dr. Wells’ professional recommendation. If you have stubborn subcutaneous fat, loose skin, or desire a different body contour, you will benefit from a body contouring procedure!

Thousands of men and women have turned to body contouring procedures to help them make the long-lasting improvements they have struggled to accomplish on their own.

Popular body contouring procedures include liposuction, tummy tuck, lower body lift, arm lift, thigh lift, labiaplasty, and autologous fat transfer to the buttocks. Breast implants, breast lift, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction surgeries are excellent options for women who would like to improve the lines of their figures. While motherhood is a wonderful development in a woman’s life, pregnancy and childbirth can make less-than-wonderful changes to a woman’s body, including her breasts, stomach, thighs, and arms. Mommy Makeover is a customized combination of body contouring procedures designed to restore a woman’s tight, smooth pre-baby body.

Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Dr. Wells’ customized body sculpting surgeries have helped countless men and women in the Baltimore area get back their quality of life.

Have you or someone you know accomplished major weight loss? Congratulations! Weight loss is something to be proud of. However, many men and women still feel unhappy with their bodies following their weight loss journey. This is due to the hanging, stretched skin frequently left on the body. Large amounts of excess skin can make it difficult to exercise, wear certain clothes, or be intimate with others.

Studies show that patients who undergo body contouring surgeries after their weight loss are significantly more likely to maintain their weight loss for the long-term.

Weight loss patients who do not receive body contouring often experience a spike of weight gain within a year of their initial weight loss. Body Contouring procedures are a safe way of removing excess skin to achieve a tight, smooth contour. Without excess skin on the body, patients can exercise, shop, and live with more confidence.

Body Contouring Procedures

If you wish your body had tighter, smoother contours, Dr. Wells is here to help. The body contouring procedures at Valley Plastic Surgery will target the skin, fat, and tissue taking away from your figure to deliver the shape and look you want!

Body Contouring Procedures at Valley Plastic Surgery include:

Tummy Tuck

Liposuction is frequently combined with tummy tuck to address stubborn fat deposits on the stomach and flanks.

Tummy Tuck, or abdominoplasty, will tighten a loose, protruding abdomen into a flat, smooth contour. The procedure is performed by making a single incision low on the abdomen, between the hip bones. This incision will be easily concealed in underwear and swimwear. In some cases, an additional incision may need to be made around the belly button. The belly button may be repositioned to achieve the appropriate amount of skin tightening.

This procedure addresses skin and strained muscles below the belly button.

The tummy Tuck will also address the abdominal muscles. Loose or torn abdominal muscles can contribute to a tummy “pooch.”Dr. Wells is able to tighten or repair the abdominals as needed in order to restore muscular support of the abdomen for the long-term. Excess skin will be removed and the skin will be secured into a tight, flat position on the stomach. Patients who are only experiencing stretched skin beneath the belly button are good candidates for a mini tummy tuck.


Liposuction is a minimally-invasive fat elimination surgery. Dr. Wells performs liposuction to reduce fat and slim down the desired area or areas of the body.

Popular liposuction areas include the abdomen, arms, and legs.

Liposuction is performed using a slim cannula, tumescent fluid, and a few well-placed incisions. Tumescent fluid is a solution of saline, epinephrine, and lidocaine. The tumescent fluid will make the fat cells swell and be easier to gently dislodge from the body. Dr. Wells will insert the cannula through the tiny incisions and suction away the broken down fat from the body.

Dr. Wells’ hi-precision fat extraction methods keep any strain on the body to a minimum. Patients enjoy a short recovery and often return to work within a few days.

Dr. Wells slims and sculpts the body with liposuction. If you have fat that refuses to respond to diet and exercise, you are an excellent candidate for the long-lasting benefits of liposuction. Dr. Wells is a body contouring expert who knows how to deliver the exact look you want with liposuction.

Lower Body Lift

A lower body lift is a popular option among weight loss patients. A lower body lift removes excess skin from the abdomen, flanks, hips, outer thighs, and buttocks. The skin on your lower body will be lifted to a smoother, tighter position to improve your overall figure. Incisions are strategically concealed within the natural folds of the body.


Do you have loose, sagging skin on your arms? Transform flappy “bye-bye” arms into a smooth, toned contour with brachioplasty. Brachioplasty combines liposuction with excess skin removal to restore a tight, smooth contour of the arms.


Address loose skin and frustrating fat on your thighs with thighplasty. Thighplasty will lift and tighten the skin on the thighs to deliver smooth, sexy thighs.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Do you wish you had a larger, more curvaceous buttocks? Now, thanks to Brazilian Butt Lift, men and women can have the derriere they’ve been dreaming about!

Brazilian Butt Lift is a form of autologous fat transfer.

In order to collect fat for transfer, Dr. Wells will first perform liposuction. This adds the benefit of slimming an area of the body, in addition to the buttocks augmentation. The collected fat will be processed through a centrifuge to purify it. Once the fat is prepared, Dr. Wells will carefully inject your fat throughout the buttocks. The result is a smoother, better-shaped behind that looks and feels natural because the fat is your own!


Labiaplasty surgery will address stretched or asymmetrical labia tissue to restore a tight, elegant appearance. Dr. Wells is highly skilled at this delicate procedure and is dedicated to helping women regain confidence in their bodies.

Breast Surgeries

The breasts play a major role in a woman’s figure and femininity. If you desire larger, smaller, perkier, or more symmetrical breasts, Dr. Wells offers a variety of breast surgeries to help you accomplish the breast look and feel that’s right for you.

Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding take a toll on a woman’s body. The Mommy Makeover is a popular procedure among mothers seeking to restore their pre-baby body.

Mommy Makeovers are a comprehensive treatment composed of a combination of body contouring procedures.

Women often combine tummy tuck and breast augmentation to improve the tone and curve of your figure. Just as no two women are the same, no two Mommy Makeovers are the same! Dr. Wells custom-tailors Mommy Makeover to the unique goals and figure of every woman.

Facial Contouring (neck lift, chin lipo, etc)

Patients often combine body contouring with facial contouring to accomplish full-body rejuvenation. Facial contouring procedures like a neck lift and chin lipo is an effective way to tighten facial contours and restore a younger, healthier look.


Men and women who live in the Baltimore-Washington area and are unhappy with the look of their body are excellent candidates who can achieve their ideal physique through body contouring procedures.

You are a good candidate for body contouring if you:

  • Are unhappy with the contours of your body
  • Have loose, hanging skin
  • Have a bulging, soft tummy
  • Have fat that does not respond to diet or exercise
  • Have lost a significant amount of weight
  • Wish you had a firmer, rounder buttocks
  • Are at a stable weight
  • Are a mother
  • Are in overall good health
  • Are a non-smoker
  • Have positive but realistic expectations of the outcomes of the surgery

Consult with Top-Ranked Body Contouring Expert

All body contouring candidates will receive a private consultation with Dr. Wells. She will take the time to get to know you and answer any questions you may have. She will examine the area or areas that you would like to improve and thoroughly discuss your procedure options with you. If she believes that you will achieve your desired results from a particular body contouring procedure or combination of procedures, she will share her professional opinion with you. Together, you will create your personalized treatment plan.

Dr. Wells and her highly-trained staff are dedicated to delivering a fulfilling experience to their patients, every step of the way.

Patients will receive instructions to help them prepare for their body contouring procedure and recovery. If you have any questions leading up to or after your surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Recovery timelines will vary based on the procedures received and the patient’s personal healing rates. Depending on the surgery performed, patients will be able to go back to work within a few days or may need to take up to two weeks of downtime. Dr. Wells will discuss your recovery during your private body contouring consult.

  • The results of your body contouring procedure will improve over the weeks following surgery.
  • Post-procedure swelling is normal and will diminish with time to reveal your new, smooth and flattering figure.
  • Final contours often emerge within three to six weeks and continue to improve for up to six months.
  • Patients who maintain their weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise will enjoy their body contouring results for years!

Change IS possible.

Contact us to learn more about how body contouring at Valley Plastic Surgery will help you achieve your best body for the long-term.